Category archives: Corporate & Small Businesses

  • Margie - Yoga Teacher Extraordinaire in New York

  • As I plow through processing my 500 weddings that I've recently shot (that may be an exaggeration) I am going to actually post a shoot of some yoga that I recently shot, since it relaxes me just to look at it. And yes, you guessed it... Margie is a previous bride whose wedding I shot last year. (O[...]
  • Flamenco Dancing in Florentine, Israel

  • I have been a little bit away (in Israel) and not had time to post... BUT... that doesn't mean that I haven't been shooting exciting things... like flamenco dancing in a really cool neighborhood in Tel Aviv!!! Ronit is a talented dancer who has been dancing flamenco since age 6!!! When Ronit talke[...]
  • Edgemont Company Headshots (Manhattan, NY)

  • Here is another corporate photoshoot I did recently for Edgemont Capital Partners, a healthcare merchant banking company located in Manhattan. David and his team are hard at work at a meeting. Love the ties! I actually increased the saturation just for the ties so that they pop out. David wa[...]
  • Company Headshots - Stilista Boston

  • Stilista Boston is an amazing fashion consulting company that I did headshots for last week (check them out here). Since it's a fashion company it was important for me to get the entire outfit of each stylist, and still have it be up close and personal. Solution? Have them sitting on a chair and [...]
  • Headshots for a company!

  • I totally enjoy shooting anything people-related, which is lucky, because people are the "things" I shoot. Here are some corporate headshots I did for a Manhattan-based company just last month. I REALLY like working in a fast-paced, slightly anxiety-provoking environment. To me, it's the chao[...]
  • Fashion Photography - Scarves

  • I did this fashion shoot at the beginning of the summer in New Jersey. Asta is a model from Lithuania who came here for the summer for work as a model. She looked pretty much amazing in all colors of the scarves, whether bright, pale and earthy, or dark.    For this photoshoot I used a very large[...]
  • Bridal Fashion Shoot

  • This was a fashion shoot I did for a boutique bridal store in New Jersey called Aleana's Bridal. It was inspirational and we definitely had a lot of fun. This first lovely model was Jesse, who actually functions as a fitting model for a few different brands. The second model was Asta, who came [...]
  • How to shoot an event

  • Besides that clean and beautiful photos of people that I expect of myself when I shoot an event, I like to add a little bit of flair. This can come in many forms. Sometimes it takes an angle. Shooting from the top either requires either equipment (which for me has proven to be too bulky) or[...]