Category archives: Editorial

  • Tennis Camp: David Squad (Ra'anana Israel)

  • OK, get ready because this is very cool. Recently I had the honor of shooting some action shots at the very amazing tennis school called 'David Squad' in Ra'anana Israel, close to Tel Aviv. David Squad is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to developing Israeli tennis players of the [...]
  • My style of family photography (Boston, MA)

  • I've been documenting Maria's family for a number of years now. Here is family photography the way I like to see it. I like to convey the mood more anything. But I feel that the advantage of having a manual fast camera gives me the amazing opportunity of freezing a moment that happens naturally. [...]
  • Cold Winter Days (A portrait shoot in Cape Cod)

  • Sometimes my eye catches something and then next thing you know I have a friend forced into something (meaning a photoshoot) they didn't intend on being in. Luckily, I have very willing friends who approach my photography with enthusiasm and don't mind a large camera stuck in their faces. I'm actu[...]
  • Flamenco Dancing in Florentine, Israel

  • I have been a little bit away (in Israel) and not had time to post... BUT... that doesn't mean that I haven't been shooting exciting things... like flamenco dancing in a really cool neighborhood in Tel Aviv!!! Ronit is a talented dancer who has been dancing flamenco since age 6!!! When Ronit talke[...]
  • Sports Photography - Tennis by My Niece

  • My niece started playing tennis around age 5. She now practices twice (!) a day and is home-schooled because of it. She's at a pretty amazing level. My shutter speed for this image is 1/250 sec and as you can see, the ball is still slightly blurred, which tells you there was some definite sp[...]
  • Ballroom Dance Competition (Boston, MA)

  • This was an event I photographed in Boston (actually Needham) Massachussetts last summer that I wanted to share some images from. The lighting was pretty spectacular so I didn't use any flash. I shot these with my goooorgeous 85mm 1.2 lens. . Austin Powers couple. LOVE...!
  • Grandpa

  • This year when I was home for the holidays I noticed the same phenomenon that started happening about a year and a half ago, right around the time that my grandmother left my grandfather to live in a nursing home. My grandfather, who has always been boisterous and the first to give someone a good, [...]
  • Bridal Fashion Shoot

  • This was a fashion shoot I did for a boutique bridal store in New Jersey called Aleana's Bridal. It was inspirational and we definitely had a lot of fun. This first lovely model was Jesse, who actually functions as a fitting model for a few different brands. The second model was Asta, who came [...]
  • Jess, the dalmation

  • A little step away from the busy wedding month, but not too far away. Here is the bride wearing a polka dot wedding dress. She is a little older for a typical bride. She also likes to bite if you got a little bit into her personal space. Meet Jess... the dalmation. Jess is sitting on Coney Isl[...]
  • Alex

  • Alex is my niece (I call her just "niecie"). I've broken her into being a model from a young age by telling her that in turn, she can photograph me back. I don't think that most children would find that "treat" appealing at all, but for some reason it worked with Alex. I did have to beg h[...]