Jess, the dalmation
A little step away from the busy wedding month, but not too far away. Here is the bride wearing a polka dot wedding dress. She is a little older for a typical bride. She also likes to bite if you got a little bit into her personal space. Meet Jess… the dalmation. Jess is sitting on Coney Island near Brighton Beach. She is framed above by the “Cyclone” (a ride that I would personally not go on even if you paid me a hundred dollars).
Neither the age nor her lack of being a human prevents her from looking absolutely glamorous (without any makeup, I should add). Jess sits proudly in the back of an antique Ford on a little doormat, to keep her paws from sliding all over the seat.
Although we get Jess to sit in between the fish head and the central body piece of the fish… but I somehow like her more walking away from it. This dog looks so good in black and white.
Is it me, or does the can of soda add to the lonely feel of this image?
Happy Thursday! : )