Portrait session: Sara Pinsky (Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist in New York)
Sara Pinsky is a licensed clinical social worker/psychotherapist (her profile on Psychology Today) working in Manhattan (New York, NY). Sara also happens to be a good friend of mine. She is warm, nurturing, accepting, and smart – the perfect recipe for a great therapist. And she cares!
I was excited when she asked me to do her shoot and we brainstormed backgrounds and ideas.
The photoshoot was an hour long, which was enough to play around with different background and outfits (I chose to only display the photos where she is wearing gray). Sara is one of those people who looks amazing in anything she wears, so it was not surprising, that even though she put in minimal effort into looking good, she came out fantastic in all the photos.
Gray happens to be one of my favorite colors and fortunately it is not only one of Sara’s, but it suits her perfectly. As I photographed I let her see the photos to make sure that we were going in the right direction (since the shoot had a specific purpose). Read more details about Sara Pinsky on Psychology Today!