A 50s themed shoot in black and white

This shoot was styled and made possible (not to mention much easier) by Stilista Boston. As soon as I pitched the idea to my friend Maria she ran with it… like very fast. Cloth diapers and clothes pins were bought, in addition to bright red lipstick (which I realize doesn’t show on B&W images). Slips and handkerchiefs were acquired from relatives who have thankfully kept these precious items for many years in their closet.
Themed shoot in 50s

Maria went online to research the 50s trend including the makeup specifics.
Themed shoot in 50s

What we were going for is a late 50s feel, but a casual, at-home look.
Themed shoot in 50s

Themed shoot in 50s

Themed shoot in 50s

Themed shoot in 50s

Themed shoot in 50s

One reason I like that era is the seriousness of the faces in the photos. I guess it appeals to my ingrained Russian habit of not smiling for pictures : )
Themed shoot in 50s

Themed shoot in 50s

OK ok, a few smily ones as well.
Themed shoot in 50s