Why the chicken crossed the road

For some reason my trip to Guatemala (which happened about a year ago) has been coming up in conversation over and over again, and I decided to finally post it. I am really not good at remembering names of places that I’ve visited but I’ll try my best.

Here are some favorites (with a complete gallery at the end)!

Two girls holding the same yarn.
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

Laughing at my persistence.
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

Little piglet in the north region of Guatemala – Peten region.
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

A little coffeeshop or restaurant.
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

In the back of a boat.
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

Marina – taken with my film Pentax camera! Love the grainy feel of this photo and the vibrant colors.
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

Girl with one of the many kittens that her cat gave birth to. As you can see, there is definitely poverty.
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

Being a chicken.
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

A Peten sunset.
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

And finally – a chicken crossing the road… or is it a turkey…
Photojournalistic Travel Photography - Guatemala

And here you can see an entire gallery from my Guatemala trip!