Wedding of Yamilka and Franklin (White Plains and the Bronx)
Yamilka and Franklin met NINE years ago at Binghamton University and have been together ever since. She noticed his eyebrows and the romance began. Franklin studied sociology and Yamilka was a Human Development major.
Getting ready. I love these story-telling kind of pictures, in addition to the beautiful dress. The preparations started in White Plains, NY.
A bridesmaid with a daughter.
Yamilka (how cool is her name!) was totally relaxed on her wedding day.
Photography stopover in J. Hood Wright Park. Group shots were taken in the park, overlooking the George Washington Bridge.
The ring man… scroll down to see his other big role.
Bubbles make everything amazing : )
Incarnation Church in Washington Heights, New York.
Bridesmaids helping with the dress.
I think this was supposed to be a horse gallop… not sure, but looks interesting : )
They also have the most adorable four year old son. I was floored by his maturity. In the limo, I asked him if he’s going to remember this special day of his mommy and daddy getting married when he is older, like ten. He looked at me and in all seriousness answered “no”.
We got caught in a little bit of rain when doing the group shots. My lighting umbrellas served as… regular umbrellas.
Wedding group shot with the George Washington bridge in the background!
In the limo to the wedding.
Bridal dance with dad. The wedding was held at Tosca Marquee in the Bronx.
Franklin dancing with his mom.
A speaker at the wedding.
Guests listening to a toast. Mmm, still in love with my 85mm 1.2 lense. So dreamy.