Dan’s Bar Mitzvah

Bar mitzvah (or Bar Mitsvah or even Bar-Mitsvah) happens when a boy is 13.  He reads a portion of the Torah for the week of his birthday, for which he prepares with a Rabbi for months beforehand.  There is usually a big party to follow.  That is where I come in.  The photographer.

I like kids of all ages, but there is something very endearing about the age of 13.  It’s the age when they [try to] toughen up and become adult, but also the age when many things make them laugh and they are still open enough to let you into their world.

Here are a few of my favorite spontaneous shots.

Barmitzvah boy dancing

Ah, the lights.. the people. I was excited to get this very natural photograph of the Barmitzvah boy.

Man watching a barmitsvah game

I love this shot personally. I think the grandfather is trying to see what the hoop game entails... by getting right up to the circle and watching it happen.

Girl dancing and jumping at a barmitzvah party

LOVE this shot.

Boys at a Bar Mitzvah party

Yes, they are tough. Watch out.

Barmitsvah boy dancing in a circle of girls

I was happy that everything around him was blurry, except him.

Two women dancing at a party

This was a great party for adults and kids alike : )