When a Batmizvah girl needs a little shoot

We decided to photograph Karin (whose just had her Batmitzvah) in Yaffo. The stone walls, the sea, and the exotic plants all contributed to some very fun backgrounds. Here is Karin sitting on the beach. I stood over her and opened my aperture to a 1.4 in this picture, focusing just on Karin’s amazing eyes and eyelashes.
Barmitzvah Batmitzvah photography in Yaffo Israel by RitaRosePhotography

We did a few shoots of the jumps. As usual, a crowd gathered around us to watch our takes and retakes.
Barmitzvah Batmitzvah photography in Yaffo Israel by RitaRosePhotography

Karin loves laughing, jumping and the sea. She is a big makeup enthusiast and practices applying it on her little brother.
Barmitzvah Batmitzvah photography in Yaffo Israel by RitaRosePhotography

Laughing at herself. One of the most important things to me during a photoshoot is that the people have fun, especially if they are children. And Karin was an amazing, patient model.
Barmitzvah Batmitzvah photography in Yaffo Israel by RitaRosePhotography

I’m a HUGE backlight enthusiast. I just love the feel of the photos when the people are backlit. The background is light and blurred, and the face gets such even, relaxed tones.
Barmitzvah Batmitzvah photography in Yaffo Israel by RitaRosePhotography

Karin has been taking dance lessons from an early age, so a lot of the photos are actually dance photos. I love photographing dancers because they naturally know how to pose gracefully.
Barmitzvah Batmitzvah photography in Yaffo Israel by RitaRosePhotography

Sunset at the Mediterranean Sea.
Barmitzvah Batmitzvah photography in Yaffo Israel by RitaRosePhotography